For social workers, case workers and support agencies

Are you a case worker or social worker looking for essential baby and children’s items to help clients in need? Roundabout Canberra can help

We accept referrals from health services and social service agencies. If you are making a request for items, the items must be collected by yourself or a nominated individual from your organisation at a pre-arranged time.

Are you a family looking for help?  Find out the next steps here

How we help local social service organisations:

Roundabout Canberra works with over 100 social service agencies to provide safe and clean baby and children’s items for families experiencing hardship with kids aged newborn to 16 years.

  • We provide high-quality, clean and safe baby and children’s items.
  • Simple registration and order process.
  • Collection point is from our space at Holt
  • A range of items are available including but not limited to: cots, prams, car-seats, clothing and linen packs, toys, books, feeding equipment, and school packs … plus much more.
  • No cost to social service agencies or your clients.
  • Provides an opportunity to build a relationship with your clients through the provision of practical items given as a gift from the community.
  • Save time and funds procuring items for families.
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Already registered with us? Place an order for items here

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Making a request for the first time? Register with us first