Donate Goods
We want all of the items we pass on to be considered a gift which is why we ask that all donated items are:

Would you give it to your best friend? If so, we’d love to rehome it

Our ability to undertake repairs is limited, so please only pass on items that are working

Help us get items out to those who need them as quickly as possible

(and we’d love any loose pieces like nuts and bolts in a zip lock bag)
Please note that some items (such as cots, prams, car seats, highchairs and bassinets) have safety standards. Details about these standards can be found here.

Don’t have the manual? Pop the model number on a sticky note so we can look it up!
Opening Hours and Location
Roundabout Canberra Premises, Holt
Donations are received during opening hours at our space in Holt. We can be found at the rear entrance of the Holt Community Hub (old Holt Primary School), 80 Beaurepaire Crescent, Holt. Follow the signs from the back car park and if you need assistance please call our office on 02 6193 6452.
Mondays: 10am – 1pm
Tuesdays: closed
Wednesdays: 10am – 1pm
Thursdays: 10am – 1pm
Fridays: 10am – 1pm
Saturdays: 1pm – 4pm
Note we are closed on Public Holidays.
Please do not leave items unattended when are not open. They may be destroyed by weather or taken by curious passersby.
On weekdays parking can be a little tricky at our premises, which we share with a number of other critical community services. We’re very grateful to those who persevere to get your donations to us! They’re very much needed, and appreciated. And it’s thanks to your donations that we’re able to meet the needs of local families! If you want to avoid a full carpark, Saturdays between 1 and 4pm are a good option as there are always plenty of parks!
South Side Drop Point
Club Kalina, Tuggeranong
We are lucky enough to offer a Southside donation point for these items only. Donations of books, toiletries, children’s clothing, and linen (single, cot, bassinet) only can be made at Club Kalina, 2/167 Soward Way, Tuggeranong. All other items must be donated directly to Roundabout Canberra in Holt and will not be accepted at Club Kalina.
Club Kalina is open Monday – Friday 9am-5pm
Please do not leave items when Club Kalina is not open
Items we can accept
Clothing: Excellent quality clothing for children from 00000 to 16 years. If you would pass the item onto your best friend we’ll gladly accept the items
We don’t accept:
- shoes
- adult clothing including maternity wear
- Baby Food: must have at least 3 months until expiry date
- Bottles: sterilised, clean and in good condition (not discoloured)
- Bottle teats: new in packaging
- Manual pumps
- Electric pumps: unopened/unused/brand new. Note: We do accept used electric breast pumps which have a closed system (please check manuals/manufacturers information to ensure pump is a closed system)
- Breastfeeding products: Any new and unused nipple cream, hydrogel breast discs and breast pads.
- Feeding products: Kids plates, bowls, cutlery, sippy cups & drink bottles
- Formula: unopened with at least 3 months before expiry
- Highchairs: Must meet standard AS/NZS 2088:2000 and have a 3 or 5 point harness which is less than 10 years old. We do not accept booster seats that attach to dining chairs
- Sterilisers: (microwave only) We do not accept electric sterilisers unless new in box
We don’t accept
- Bumbo seats, booster seats or high chairs that strap to a chair or hang from tables
- Portable travel/camping chairs
- Used bottle teats
- Used electrical items
- Baby baths: must have plug hole and preferably warning label (we can supply this if not)
- Change tables and change mats: Must have roll protection – 100mm sides or safety harness. Please ensure change tables are dismantled with all bolts and screws in a zip lock bag. If wood, we cannot accept any change tables with any splits, large chips, cracks or breaks in the wood.
- Nappies: Disposable (open packs are fine). Please note we no longer accept cloth or reusable nappies
- Nappy bags: in excellent condition. Please ensure you clean and empty all pockets before donating.
- Toiletries: nopened/unused wipes, lotions, creams, kids toothbrushes 0-16years, toothpaste, baby shampoo, and bath wash, shampoo and conditioner, new soap, roll-on deodorant. We do not accept aerosol deodorants or talcum powder.
- Towels: We accept all good quality towels including face-washers, baby towels, children’s towels and bath towels/sheets.
We do not accept
- Bath aids/seats
- Change mats that sit on top of dressers
- Cloth nappies
- Nappy bins
- Potties or toilet training aids
- Activity Mat: Please wash prior to donation.
- Books: In great used condition to suit 0 – 16 years
- Bouncers or rockers: With 3 or 5 point harness. In excellent condition (no electric swings please!)
- Play pens: Small playpens are accepted. Please ensure they’re clean and in excellent condition
- Toys: we do not accept soft toys unless they’re brand new with tags. We do accept lamaze style baby toys. We accept small, educational toys in excellent condition for ages 0-16 years. We will gladly take lego for older children. Please ensure toys have all parts included – particularly puzzles! If the toy is broken or damaged please do not pass them onto Roundabout, we want to provide a gift to families in need where their dignity is upheld.
We don’t accept
- Activity centres
- Bikes, scooters, ride on toys or helmets
- CDs or DVDs
- Jolly jumpers
- Walkers or ride on toys
- Baby swings
- Stuffed animals unless new with tags
- Safety gates: Stand alone gates with all parts included, and in excellent used condition
- Safety items / home safety: upboard locks and corner protectors, but only if they’re in excellent condition
- School items: we accept excellent condition lunch boxes, drink bottles (new or as-new) and backpacks for children aged 4-16.
- Stationery: We accept pencils, pens, textas (please check they work still, or new packs!), activity books, glue sticks (good condition), rulers, scissors, pencil cases, paper/craft supplies, exercise books/scrapbooks
- Bassinets: We re-home bassinets with removable mesh sides. We’re not able to re-home bassinets without fully mesh sides, cradles, Moses baskets or cane baskets. We cannot accept any bassinets that have any splits/large chips/cracks/breaks in the timber.
We’d love it if you’d send us a picture to double check we can take it before donating: email us or reach out on social media
- Cots & Mattresses: Must meet standard AS/NZS 2172:2003 revised 2005 and less than 15 years old. Cots must be in great condition without any structural damage to the timber and include all parts. They cannot have been modified in any way – including painted. We cannot accept any cots that have any splits/large chips/cracks/breaks in the timber. We appreciate if cots can be donated clean and wiped free of dust/dirt/milk stains. We’d love it if you’d send us a picture to double check we can take it before donating: email us or reach out on social media
(We kindly ask that cots are dismantled with all bolts and screws in a zip lock bag. Mattresses must be stain free to ensure we are gifting another baby a clean safe sleep space.)
- Linen: We accept excellent condition single bed, bassinet and cot sheets, mattress protectors and blankets as well as face washers, towels and wraps
- Pillows: We accept new unopened single bed pillows. The IKEA brand are ideal as they are compact to put in our packs.
- Doonas/Quilts: brand new or washable second hand in excellent condition with no stains or damage
- Sleeping bags & swaddles: In excellent condition (stain-free). Please note we only accept sleeping bags where arms are free to move (no ‘love to dream’ style bags)
We don’t accept
- co-sleepers
- cot bumpers or airwraps
- cot pillows / sleep positioners
- cushions or used pillows
- portacots or travel cots
- Prams: must meet Standard AS/NZS 2088:2000. Must have 5 point harness, canopy and under basket. We are currently accepting sturdy strollers with under basket and sun hood canopy. We do not accept umbrella strollers with no basket/UV hood
- Pram accessories: we accept rain and UV covers, and pram liners. If they’re not being donated with a pram, please ensure you label them so we know which pram they’re for
- Pram bassinets / second seats: label with pram brand prior to being donated and please include any adaptors.
- Baby carriers: Front carry. No slings or backpack/camping carriers. Must be hip-safe with a wide base
- Capsules, car seats & boosters: Must meet standard AS/NZS 1754
Safety is really important to us so we can only accept car seats/boosters/capsules that meet the following criteria:
– Have never been in an accident
– Were manufactured less than 8 years ago
– Are Australian models (overseas models cannot be accepted)
If you’re unsure if your item meets the above criteria, please contact us via our contact us page or social media.
Read more on the types of car seats we can rehome
We don’t accept
- slings
- umbrella strollers
Roundabout Canberra is appreciative of all donations from the Canberra community. There may be times where we cannot pass these items onto families in need through our networks. In these situations we have connections with a range of other not-for-profits such as St Vincent de Paul’s, St John’s Care, Street Pantries, Green Shed and Koomarri. We may pass on items to these organisations which aligns with our philosophy of re-use, re-home and recycle.
There are some items we cannot accept due to safety considerations, hygiene or capacity limits. For big items such as beds and furniture, we do not have enough space to store these items. Please head to www.givit.org.au to donate these larger items to other local charities.